Privacy Policy


  • Data controller: Golf Costa Adeje, S.A. (hereinafter, « GOLF COSTA ADEJE »)
  • VAT NUMBER: A38424891
  • Calle Alcojora, S/N 38670 Adeje – S/C de Tenerife, Spain.
  • E-mail:


Purpose: The personal data provided through this website will be used for the following purposes:

Request for information and queries: Management of requests, sending of information and communications on queries made through e-mails and contact telephone numbers.

Bookings: Management of bookings made by users through the BOOK NOW/PICK UP NOW tab. The booking process is carried out through the booking engine of our service provider according to the booking conditions. The payment of the online booking process is made directly to through their payment platform. GOLF COSTA ADEJE does not collect card data. will collect the data necessary to proceed with the payment of the online management. More information about our provider and its data processing can be found at

*Category of processed data:

The data that we may process for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy are:

For the processing of requests for information and queries:

Name, Surname, Email.

For the processing of reservation data:

Name, Surname, Telephone, E-mail, Country, invoicing data when making payment at the establishment.

The personal data provided by our users must be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the scope and specific, explicit and legitimate purposes for which they have been obtained.

The user shall be solely responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the data provided. The user shall be personally liable to GOLF COSTA ADEJE before the affected or interested parties and before the Spanish Data Protection Agency in the event of providing false data or data of third parties without their consent.

The recipient of the service undertakes to inform GOLF COSTA ADEJE of any changes to their data so that they are true to their current situation at all times.

*Data processing of minors: GOLF COSTA ADEJE will not collect data from minors without the authorisation of their father, mother or legal guardian. In the event that a minor fills in the contact forms and does not accredit such authorisation, the application will be destroyed without processing its content.

Legitimation: The legal basis in the processing of your data will be:

For the processing of information request data and queries:

Express consent.

For the processing of booking data:

Express consent for the booking request and contractual/pre-contractual relationship.

Consent for the processing of the personal data provided shall be understood to be given expressly, freely and unequivocally for the purposes described, by ticking the boxes specified therein. When receiving e-mails and telephone calls, consent shall be understood to have been given for the purposes requested by the user.

Conservation period: Your data will be kept for the following periods:

For the processing of information request and enquiry data:

Until revocation of your consent.


For the duration of the service provided by GOLF COSTA ADEJE and, where appropriate, during the legally established periods for possible claims.


For the processing of information request data and enquiries:

Your data will not be passed on.

For the processing of booking data:

In the case of payment to banks.

No data will be passed on to third parties unless legally obliged to do so. If in the future GOLF COSTA ADEJE should make other transfers of personal data, it will inform you in due course.

Data hosting and third parties with access to data

This website is hosted on a server located in the European Union. The sole purpose is the hosting of our website, and therefore, the management company will not have access to your personal data.

Likewise, our e-mails, as well as the backup copies in the cloud, are managed by companies located in the territory of the European Union, as well as their hosting servers.

With all external collaborators and professionals who access personal data of our company and customers, we have entered into a contract for access to data on behalf of third parties in accordance with the provisions of current legislation on the protection of personal data.

Additional information on data processing carried out by GOLF COSTA ADEJE:


We will process the data of participants in tournaments in order to manage them. On the basis of the relationship derived from your application for registration.

Your data will be used exclusively for the aforementioned purpose and will be deleted once the legal limitation period has elapsed. Your data will not be communicated to any other entity. No international transfer of data will take place.

*Sending of marketing communications and advertising

We do not currently carry out any kind of advertising campaign to send individualised information or direct marketing, so no commercial communications of any kind are sent to the contacts of the company’s customers or potential customers.

Our company does not acquire third party databases for the sending of information. The sending of e-mails or telephone calls requesting information and/or quotations about our services will not imply the inclusion of your data in any advertising distribution list.

*Contact details of customers and potential customers.

We inform you that, in the event that you provide us with contact details when requesting information or requesting a service, your electronic contact details will be processed in accordance with current European regulations on Data Protection and other concordant regulations, as well as with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, for the purpose of sending requested information, managing bookings, responding to queries, and contacts in general. In the event that you participate in official tournaments, your data will be transferred to the corresponding sports federation, in compliance with current sports regulations. We will retain your contact details for as long as you maintain a business relationship with us, or until such time as you revoke your consent to their use. The legitimacy for the processing of your e-mail data is based on your express consent, which you have declared by providing us with your e-mail address, as well as on the contractual/pre-contractual relationship. Your contact data will not be transferred, unless legally obliged to do so. No international data transfers will take place.


In the event that you contract our services, you are informed and expressly consent that your personal data provided to Golf Costa Adeje, S.A. will be used for the purpose of managing the invoicing for the fulfilment of our golf course operation services. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is the obligation to issue invoices for the delivery of goods and provision of services, contained in Law 58/2003 of 17 December, General Taxation. Your data will remain in our database for as long as you maintain a relationship with our company and from the moment it ends, during the legally established statute of limitations in accounting and tax matters. Your data may be consulted by our external advisors in accounting and tax matters and, where appropriate, by the competent Public Administrations. This communication is necessary for the provision of our services. Your data will not be passed on to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so.

Direct debit

In the case of direct debit payments for the management of contracted services, we inform you that you must give your consent to the processing of your personal and bank details for the purpose of carrying out the company’s administrative procedures relating to direct debit payments. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data, as far as direct debit is concerned, is that established in Law 16/2009, of 13 November, on payment services. If you refuse to provide your data, direct debit will not be possible. Your data will remain in our database for as long as you maintain a business relationship with our company and, after its termination, for the legally established statute of limitations in accounting and tax matters.

The bank we work with will have access to your data. Your data will not be passed on to third parties, unless legally obliged to do so. No international data transfers will be made.

Sending CVs

Our internal policy on the reception of CVs establishes that they should be collected by hand at our establishment, or by e-mail.

We inform you that the CV data that you may send us will be used for the purpose of managing your participation in the personnel selection processes of Golf Costa Adeje, S.A. Under no circumstances will we use them for any other purpose, keeping them under the necessary security measures in accordance with current European regulations on Data Protection, and other concordant legislation. The legitimacy to carry out the processing of your data will be based on your express consent. The collection of your curricular data is obligatory in order to participate in personnel selection processes. Your data will not be passed on to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation to do so. No international transfer of data will be made.

If you are not selected in the current recruitment process, we will keep your personal data for 1 year in order to be able to use it in future recruitment processes. For this reason, we kindly ask you to inform us in a timely manner in the event of any changes to your personal data, and we would also like to remind you that the data provided must be adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the recruitment process, so please refrain from including any unnecessary information in your CV

Use of social media

We will use our social media sites to link to news, articles or other information relevant to our customers and followers. We may include photographs of identifiable individuals in talks, conferences, seminars or other events in which we participate. However, in the event that the attendee wishes to remove their image, they may contact the person responsible for this website and may withdraw their consent in the same way as they gave it.

Under no circumstances will we use the contact details of our followers to include them in any advertising distribution list.

Exercising your rights

In the event of any incident that you may have in relation to the treatment that Golf Costa Adeje, S.A. is carrying out on your personal data, you may exercise your rights of access, rectification, suppression and portability of your data, as well as the limitation or opposition to its treatment, at any time, by writing to Golf Costa Adeje, S.A.- Calle Alcojora, S/N 38670 Adeje – S/C de Tenerife, Spain, or to the following e-mail address: If you are not satisfied with the exercise of your rights, you may lodge a complaint with the Supervisory Authority. You can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency via the website

Amendment of the present conditions and duration

The owner of this website may modify at any time the conditions set forth herein, being duly published as they appear here, according to his own criteria, or motivated by the modification of the legislation or guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency. The validity of the aforementioned conditions will depend on their exposure and they will be in force until they are modified by other duly published conditions.

Legislation and Legal Jurisdiction

The legislation applicable to the content of the website will be Spanish and the jurisdiction will be that of the competent Courts and Tribunals in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Last modification: 2 June 2022